One was a girl; the other, a boy. They were insignificant to most penguins - not famous and not seeking attention.
However, Dot, G, and Jet Pack Guy would recognize them in a second. They had helped trash the EPF HQ earlier that day.
Dressed all in black, they were discreet in the foliage. That would be required for their mission.
They had no names; they were merely there to get the job Rookie had given them done.
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Source: Club Penguin United |
The boy felt quite confident of himself. Rookie had told him in confidence that he was second-in-command.
Little did he know, Rookie told all his agents that.
They weren't far from where their job was located. The fun was about to begin.
They arrived. The girl stood behind a large evergreen. The boy, who had been right next to her the whole time, made for a slightly smaller one a few feet away. The two looked out into the clearing in front of them and watched their target.
"So, let's review. You are going to go from igloo to igloo finding the supplies we need. My masterpiece is almost complete. We must find these things," said the large one, who towered over the agents.
The only other creature in the clearing sent a response in a foreign language Rookie knew. This same one disappeared a moment later.
The girl sent a signal to the boy. The boy nodded and the two began what needed to be done.
The girl shook her tree. Herbert, who had sat down in a chair and was deep in thought, looked up and grumbled. He headed for the area and looked for the source of the sound.
The girl quietly disappeared. At the same time, the boy, who had positioned himself further away, shook his tree and disappeared without a sound. Herbert, bewildered, headed to the area and looked for the source. There was nothing.
Three jetpacks made a noise over head. This perplexed him as well. He began yelling, as the shaking began from new places, with no sign anywhere of what was happening.
The shaking stopped. Herbert headed to the middle of the clearing and turned around and around, waiting for another sound.
This was their chance. The girl hid herself behind a tree directly in front of Herbert. She threw a coin in front of him.
Herbert saw the coin and stared at it for a moment.
Then, the moment ended.
The coin exploded. Just as the button earlier that day, a blast of air came from it, throwing Herbert through the air.
His trip was short-lived. Herbert crashed into his machine, which was also in the clearing. The machine was instantly destroyed and he blacked out upon impact.
Herbert would not remember anything past giving Klutzy orders when he woke up. Additionally, he would wake up before Klutzy would come back with supplies.
Hours of research had gone into this small mission. No detail was overlooked. The Revolutionists did not make mistakes.
They ran into the clearing, leaving all caution of sound behind. The two picked up some files that were on a on an old tree stump, which was being used as a desk. They were all clearly marked; they found the one they needed in seconds.
They stacked the files the way they were and put a decoy file, around the same weight as the one they were taking, into the pile. They covered their tracks as they left with the file.
A machine (that could have gotten in their way when the Revolutionists' reign on the island began) destroyed and an important file obtained. They had, for lack of a better term, killed two penguins with one stone.
Phase 1 was complete. But, the fun had only just begun.
To Be Continued
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