Friday, December 27, 2013

Quest for the Golden Puffle 2 (7): Another One Bites the Dust

Alaska and Yukon ran towards the tunnel at a terrific speed.  The Caster would come soon!  She would reform, they were sure of it!

Source: Club Penguin Wikia

Friday, December 20, 2013

Quest for the Golden Puffle 2 (6): Different Tones

The next few days were a bit better.  Sure, trees continued to fall.  Quicksand swirled.  Rocks tumbled.  But, Yukon and Alaska were used to this and were able to evade injury.

One morning, Alaska woke up far later than she had intended to.  She had become quite good at reading the position of the sun and could tell it was at least eleven in the morning; she had intended to wake at seven.

She looked around and saw backpacks, trees, sand, and a Yukonless landscape.

Her once blurry mind reacted sharply.  She bolted upright and turned round and round.

"Yukon!" she screamed.  "Yukon!"

Source: Club Penguin Secrets

Monday, December 16, 2013

Quest for the Golden Puffle 2 (5): The Connection

Yukon and Alaska finally arrived at the emerald temple.  Alaska quickly ran inside, lasso in hand.  Yukon trudged behind, weighed down by various backpacks.

"Can I listen to my MP3000?" Yukon asked delicately.

Alaska sighed.  "Fine," she said.  He had been pestering her for days about it.

Yukon set down the backpacks with a large thunk that echoed through the silver hall.

"Quiet!" Alaska whispered forcefully.  "Don't do that again!"

Source: Club Penguin Wikia

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Quest for the Golden Puffle 2 (4): The Little Things

Alaska woke up the next morning expecting to feel stiff from her sleep on the hard ground.  Instead, she found a grass pillow under her head with a blanket weaved with weeds on her body.  She was incredibly comfortable, a luxury that never found its way into her archaeology work.

She looked up.  Yukon, who was leaning against a tree, smiled at her.  "Good morning!" he said cheerfully, as though he had forgotten the traumatic events of the prior night.  "I figured you could use a pillow and blanket," he said, though Alaska had already connected the dots.  "Looks like those knitting classes I was telling you about came in handy!"

Alaska allowed a smile to creep onto her face.  "Thank yo-" she began.

Just like last night, she never got to finish her conversation.

Source: Penguin Expert

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Quest for the Golden Puffle 2 (3): Something in the Air

The car's momentum was finally broken, with the car now sitting still, upright. Alaska turned.  The great mist was now coming after them again, though at a slower pace.  It had taken a lot of energy to hit the car that hard.

Alaska hunched down to reach the breaks.  She ripped out a few panels and connected a few wires.  The car roared to life.  This only worked because the mist was not currently hindering the car, as it had been doing before.

Source: YouTube