One morning, Alaska woke up far later than she had intended to. She had become quite good at reading the position of the sun and could tell it was at least eleven in the morning; she had intended to wake at seven.
She looked around and saw backpacks, trees, sand, and a Yukonless landscape.
Her once blurry mind reacted sharply. She bolted upright and turned round and round.
"Yukon!" she screamed. "Yukon!"
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Source: Club Penguin Secrets |
Alaska was in a blind panic. She ran furiously into the trees, trying to find her partner.
She stopped abruptly. She heard something. A growl echoed across the land and then stopped. There was silence for a moment, until....
"Alaska! Alaska!" screamed a voice.
Alaska forgot about the roar as she heard her partner yelling for her. There was a tone of panic in his voice. They yelled to each other back and forth.
Alaska collided with Yukon, who had been running toward her. They were each thrown back onto the ground in opposite directions.
As they came to grips with this turn of events, both explained that they had run to find their apparently panicked partner.
"Where were you?" asked Alaska, who was a little furious, but more so relieved.
"I went to get some food for us; you deserve better than roots. Hey, I almost got crushed by a few trees, but I found some nuts!" Yukon explained.
Alaska allowed herself a smile. Yukon's endless optimism was even helping him through this plight.
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Source: Ann Joiner |
There was a loud roar. The two fell silent and crawled next to each other. Alaska had forgotten all about the mysterious noise when she had seen Yukon.
ROAR!! It continued making threatening sounds as it came closer to them. It became louder and louder. The ground began to thud. Wind began to blow.
Alaska and Yukon scrambled behind a rather large and reasonably firm tree. They had their arms around each other's shoulders, clinging onto each other.
Then, they saw the large black mist that had been documented in that video. They saw the thing that had tried to capture them the other night.
It turned from side to side, looking in an almost human-like motion.
Then, it began to speak in a feminine voice:
Come little children, come to me,
I will help you; I want to desperately.
Come ye, Yukon, who holds my plague,
And bring your partner, your player in this game of tag.
Yukon began walking towards the mist, zombie-like. He was dead to this world. The monster had taken him over. Being a few treelines away, "she" couldn't see the two as Alaska struggled to pull him back. Not yet, anyway.
She continued her poem. Her voice reeked of vengeance.
I know you're near,
I know you're here.
Hiding is futile,
And so is refusal.
You'll both fall for me,
In fact, quite literally.
For I shall have my way,
I shall have my day.
The monster was still tugging at Yukon and so was Alaska.
Let me suck your power out for the greater good,
For you know in your heart you should.
There were only a few more trees left between the mist and the two explorers.
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Source: Art By Phil |
When I have your power,
I will rule, I will tower.
The wind was still blowing towards Alaska and Yukon. It was hurting Alaska's eyes. She halfway closed them. But, even with the slight disadvantage with sight, she still saw a chance.
And when that becomes true,
You will love me with a passion big and new.
Alaska saw that a tree nearby was being pulled back like a slingshot. Yukon's curse was trying to pull it to the Earth. It wasn't going to be going down anytime soon, though, since Yukon still wasn't incredibly close to it. It would just be strained back until he was farther away from it or closer to it.
Alaska could use her partner's plight to their advantage.
Everyone will bow to my silky feet,
They will listen, they will beg for a front row seat.
Alaska tugged at Yukon, trying to get him closer to the tree. She had a plan! She had a plan!
Every soul will hear my demands clearly,
No one will refuse them; there will be no fury.
Alaska successfully pulled Yukon out behind the large tree that they had been behind. They were now completely exposed, vulnerable to the sight of the monster. Her speed in the next few moments would be crucial to their survival.
And now I call to the girl, with the nice, curly hair,
To the lasso-wielder, who dusts off each artifact with care.
Truth be told, Alaska was rather unsettled by the mentioning. She had to keep going, though. She had to!
Join me and see your talents improve,
There will be no distractions to intrude.
She was running out of time! The mist would see her!
Your fortune will be bright,
Your glory will shine like a light.
She finally got out of eye-shot of the mist, just as it began to turn towards their direction. They weren't out of the woods (in an ironic fashion), though. The mist was slowly moving forward. It would soon be right by them.
If you decide to leave,
Trust me, you will not succeed.
Alaska was so close! So close!
There will be pain, suffering, loss, and fear, if you do not trust your master,
There will repercussions beyond your comprehension, if you do not join me, the Caster
Alaska finally found her way to a tree a few trees behind the one Yukon was inadvertently pulling down. From here, the pull from Yukon would continue to only tug at the tree and not pull it down completely.
Refusal will be useless, completely so, in fact,
As I will win the battle; I will win with tact.
Alaska moved from side to side and saw the tree move its front with them. It was almost time.
I already basically have your videotaping friend,
He is mine, just as I did intend....
She never got to finish her oration.
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Source: Hub Pages |
The middle of the tree cracked, having been put through so much pressure.
The mist turned and saw them. The Caster, always one to be one step ahead of everyone, was in shock that she had not found her prey herself, without help from the outside. In her shock, the wind stopped.
Alaska pulled Yukon, who was still under the spell, away from the tree's vicinity. Because the curse no longer was pulling on it from this new distance, all pressure was removed from the tree. Its roots broke and it was flung like a slingshot into the air.
Alaska had figured out that she could manipulate where the tree's front was turned to. She had turned the tree gradually to point towards the mist as the Caster had moved forward. When the tree finally cracked, as Alaska had predicted, the Caster had stopped just as the plan had dictated her to do. Alaska had then moved out of the way, with the tree pointing to exactly where the Caster was "standing."
This meant that the tree flew right towards the shocked Caster. It collided with the mist, sending particles everywhere.
"I will get you! This is not the end!" shrieked the Caster as she was dispersed.
Yukon took a deep breath. He was back to normal.
The two ran and ran. Alaska gave Yukon a small description of what had happened, cutting the story down to only the essentials. She kept her voice down along the way.
They were blind to direction as they ran. They only sought to get away from the beast, whom they knew was still a threat based on the loud murmurs that slowly faded as they put distance between the creature and themselves.
That was when they ran into the location of what had to be the Caster's temple.
Could they rescue the journalist that they had been sent to retrieve before the Caster found them and made good on her promise?
To Be Continued
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