Saturday, June 21, 2014

All Hands On Deck (3): Something To Overcome

Captain Rockhopper floated down into the sea.  After his tumble from the Migrator, his mind finally succumbed to confusion and stopped trying to process each rapid event.  He was now only vaguely aware of his predicament, though, within a few moments, his mind snapped back into focus.

Rockhopper thrashed against the waves as he made his way back to the surface. Once he was there, he waded to remain above the water.

Quite a few paces from him was the Migrator.  With two gaping holes on each of the long sides and several scratchs and rips where the wood still had the will to live, it was a pitiful sight, yet his dear ship still stood majestically, like a soldier who trudged on despite having faced hardships.  In its current state, the Migrator should have sank into the waters with the pirate himself, but the magic of that woman willed it to go on.

That woman.  THAT WOMAN. Rockhopper experienced a surge of anger at the thought of his tormentor, though that feeling was subdued when he saw his possessions, his hat included, float towards him.  Numerous trinkets, no doubt many of them tarnished permanently, came towards the red penguin, as though seeking to reunite with their owner.  He looked at them with great sadness, though, again, his feelings were soon veered towards another emotion: panic.

Because Rockhopper's weary mind could only comprehend things so fast, he hadn't seen a certain detail.  In the background, he saw his home.  The Migrator was on a return journey to Club Penguin.....while under new management.

Rockhopper remained in his place, giving up.  There was nothing he could do.  It was over.  All over.

But stronger than the will to throw in the towel was the will to prove himself.  

Rockhopper began to swim toward his precious ship at an admittedly slow pace.  But as he got going, and as he became more determined to reclaim what was rightfully his and save the island, he obtained a brisk pace, which he stuck with until he reached one of the gaping holes in his ship.  That being said, he had to push himself to get there; it was a tough journey, but one he had to complete nonetheless.

The rightful captain quietly climbed back onto his ship.  He tiptoed across the wood floor of the ship hole, which was now void of objects, and made his way to the stairs.  He silently crept up them and peeked at what waited for him when his eyes were level with the opening.

The force, cockily assuming that the red penguin was a problem of the past, had removed her invisibility and hovered as a black mass at the front of the ship, looking forward to the pathetic snowy land which she would soon claim as her own.  Rockhopper made his way to the deck and went in the other direction, standing in front of his wheel when he finally stopped.  Taking a risk, he opened his mouth.

"Next time, make sure the job is done," he yelled.

The force turned, shocked.  Not a moment later, Rockhopper swung the wheel with all his might, sending the ship in a frenzy, not unlike the opening shot in this battle......except, this time, the tables were turned.

The force, caught very much off guard, was sent flying around the ship.  Meanwhile, Rockhopper, who had been bracing himself for this, made a jump for the ladder to the crow's nest.  He caught it, and began climbing.  When he had reached the top, he made for his snowball cannon and began shooting at the force.  The snow hit her several times, but the planned result of her being flung off the ship or of her giving up and fleeing was not to be found.  Instead, the game changed.

A great rumble was heard, as seaweed began to grow and come for the original captain of the ship.  Rockhopper swatted at them, but soon, the green strings, which were surprisingly strong, began to wrap themselves around the penguin.  They cut into his skin and made their way towards his eyes.

There was no way out for Rockhopper.  His feet and flippers were all wrapped up and he couldn't see.  He laid on the floor, helpless.  

A small idea popped into his head.  He began to roll.  In fact, he rolled right off the crow's nest.  And, not for the first time that day.....not even for the first time that hour, he fell.

The seaweed, still gripping with all its might to him, followed him down.  Since it was so strong and heavy, and also since it had wrapped its way around many parts of the ship on its journey up to Rockhopper, the green arms began to pull the ship down, into the sea.

The force, also unprepared for this turn of events, fell into the water.  The substance was not an old friend of hers and she began to flounder.

Because of her predicament, all of the enchantments the force had going recoiled; the seaweed began to retreat back into the waters and the battered ship went with it, no longer propelled forward by her incantations.

But she wasn't quite done.

In a final, rash attempt at retaliation, the force let out a great force of energy.  Rockhopper, who was now free from his seaweed bonds and was currently floating in the water, saw nothing as he was flung into the air and thrown back a tremendous distance.  Around him was a flurry of activity as items were carried with him.  He couldn't distinguish any of them and didn't even try to identify them; he closed his eyes, tired of all of the flutter of activity that the last hour had brought about him.

Meanwhile, the force, weakened by this last act of revenge, drifted in the water, quite spent.  She drifted off to sleep, too feeble to care where she was going or to fully realize her anger toward the nameless pirate, who was now in the dreamworld as well.

Things were very different when they opened their eyes.

To Be Continued

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