Saturday, July 26, 2014

Ruby and the Ruby 2 (3): Doorman Doubts

The usually bustling hotel lobby was very calm as Ruby and Jacques Hammer entered the building, Hammer holding the door for the miss like a gentlemen.  The quiet room was spacious and luxurious, with red, gold, and brown being the main colors speckling the room.  Only one man stood in the lobby, behind the desk: Dom, the doorman, who had worked at the hotel for as long as anyone could remember.  The three exchanged pleasantries.

"What are ya here for?" asked Dom, innocently.

Before Jacques or Ruby could answer though, the female of the trio laughed nervously.  "Oh, I'm afraid I have a call.  Will you wait here for a moment, Hammer?"  Jacques nodded politely and Ruby left to go to the corner of the room, where she began talking, though neither of the men could make out a word.

Jacques turned back to the doorman.  He sized him up for a moment, deciding whether or not he could trust him.  It took only a few seconds before he had determined that Dom was a trustworthy man and - perhaps more importantly - he could be a helpful asset for the case.  "We're here for a very important case.  Someone has been harassing Ms. Ruby for the past few hours.  Have you seen or heard anything strange lately?"

Dom glanced at the woman in the corner, who was still deep in conversation and then leaned forward towards Hammer's left ear.  He began to whisper, "No, I haven't seen anyone else acting strangely, but she has been."  He paused, as Hammer soaked the information in.  "I don't like to spread rumors, but the real crime here is what Ms. Ruby is up to.  For the past few weeks, she's been leaving at odd hours of the night with briefcases and portfolios and such.  When I asked her what she was up to, she said, 'It's just business.'  But, I think that she's gotten herself mixed up with some bad people.  Something that could get herself hurt.  Why?  Well, two weeks after this began, the PSA came in, snooping around!  Snooping around in my lobby!"  Dom looked at Ruby again and then spoke once again, "And if you need more proof that something suspicious is going on, just look at her right now!  The girl is speaking, but she doesn't even have a phone with her!  What game is she playing?"

Hammer turned back slowly, trying not to look suspicious, but it wasn't necessary at all.  Ruby was still enthralled in her conversation......or so it seemed.  Indeed, just as Dom had said, there was no phone present.  While she jabbered away, her right hand was to her ear......but there was nothing at her ear.

Jacques thought about this new, fascinating information.  Ruby didn't appear like anyone who could hurt anyone.  But he had to take this as a credible theory.  If Ruby truly was the bad guy - not the victim - here, Jacques could be getting himself into some deep trouble.  He thought back to the look she had displayed in his office when the sounds had supposedly came.  Had that look of terror been perfected from her years as an actress?  Was her light-hearted and generally pleasant attitude a sham as well? Was she so good that she could fool a detective, albeit, one who was down on his luck?

But, then again, Hammer, who made his living by putting together stories where others couldn't see an explanation, couldn't see a plot here.  Was there someone after him?  Was she luring him to her home so someone could capture him?  The story she had given him at his office had been simple enough that it could be an act, written and rehearsed by someone who had an ill will for him.

Was she being forced to this, a victim of situation that she had no control of and had merely fallen into accidentally?  It was definitely a possibility, given the persona she gave in public.  Could he help her without being caught in a dangerous web?  Or were all of these questions brought about by an exaggerated report, given to him by a doorman who had nothing better to do than watch his surroundings with great focus and try and piece together a savory story?

Hammer knew what he needed to a way.  He wouldn't flat out abandon the case - or her - but he would tread lightly from now on.  And he would begin that now.

Hammer thanked the doorman for his account and waited a few moments for Ruby to wrap up her call.  She rejoined the detective at the desk of the lobby.  "So, shall we go in?" she asked.

Tread lightly, thought Hammer.

"There's been a change of plans, Ms. Ruby," he said, picking his words with care.  "We need to get you somewhere safe.  I'll take you to a secure location and then - if this is alright with you - I'll go into your home and investigate on my own."

Ruby took no time at all to answer.  "That's fine, Mr. Hammer."

And, so, they went.

The time was 11:26, and Jacques Hammer was deep into the case.

To Be Continued

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